Alumni Golf Tournament
11th Annual Alumni Golf Outing 2025
Monday, May 19, 2025
Previous Golf Tournaments
Tenth Annual Alumni Golf Outing 2024
Monday, May 20, 2024
Championship Flight:
Service Electric: Nathan Ifkovits, Chuck Greene, Rob Lipencil, Ed Munoz - 57
First Flight:
Treve Slusarik, Dan Harris, Mark Holvey, Matthew Considine - 66
Second Flight:
PepsiCo: George Zeller, Chris Gill, Robert Taylor, David Kohut - 68
Third Flight:
Diana Evans, Jim Gill, Karen Yamrus, Nancy Lane - 71
Fourth Flight:
Tony Policare, Colleen Liddick guest, guest -74
Longest Drive
Chuck Green on 6B
Diane Jagodzinski on 3R
Straightest Drive
Mark Holvey on 5R
View 2024 Tournament Photos: HERE
Ninth Annual Alumni Golf Outing 2023
Monday, May 22, 2023
Championship Flight:
The Four Divots: Earl Weidner, Bud Weidner, Charles Weidner, Robert Weidner - 59
Tom Carlin, Fred Kuscavage, Jerry Storz, guest - 60
Kevin O'Donnell, Neil O'Donnell, Bob Bertoni, Joe Long 62
First Flight
Anthony Brominski, Don Brominski, Earl Lauer, Tom Scappaticci- 66
Steve Jordan, Shane Jordan, Dustin Hendricks, Mike Nemshick - 66
Philip Medico, Sam Rizzo, Pete Barbuti, Donnie Werts - 66
Second Flight
Doreen Nobel, Gary Nobel, Denise Evans, Bob Faneck - 71
Ruby Carmon, Susan Maza, Maureen Dillon, Daria Kapalka -71
Nathan Ifkovits, Vince Lanunziata, Mike Laburda, Joe Gill - 71
Longest Drive
Anthony Brominski on 9B and Nikki Sennett on 3R
Straightest Drive
Tyler Pokrinchak
Straightest Drive
Dan Mahoney on R9
Anne Holmes on B4
View 2023 Tournament Photos: HERE
Championship Flight:
The Four Divots: Earl Weidner, Bud Weidner, Charles Weidner, Robert Weidner - 59
Women's Championship Flight:
Karen Natishan, Jane Sileski, Diane Jagodzinski, Jane Medvecky- 65
First Flight
Steve Jordan, Josh Turner, Brian Hess, Dylon Hess - 59
Second Flight
Ed Heck, Anthony Heck, Jerry Ranieli, Vinny Lanunziata - 60
Longest Drive
Brian Hess on 9B and Diane Jagodzinski on 3R
Straightest Drive - 5R
Len Namiotka
View 2022 Tournament Photos: HERE
Seventh Annual Alumni Golf Outing 2021
Blue Ridge Trail Golf Club
Monday, May 24, 2021
Championship Flight:
Mike Rosto, Robert Tamburro, Ryan Dimmock, Frank Viera - 60
Women's Championship Flight:
Karen Natishan, Diane Jagodzinski, Jane Sileski- 64
First Flight
Dan Landesberg, Nick Coleman, Vince McCloskey, Mike Hoffman - 66
Second Flight
Nick Royer, Brian Lix, Sean Mattson, Brian Rowe - 69
Longest Drive
Tim Bates on 9B and Karen Yamrus on 3R
Closest to the Line - 5R
Doreen Nobel '04
To view photos from the 2021 tournament click HERE.
Eagle Sponsor
Birdie Sponsor
Hole Sponsors ~ Program Sponsors
Welcome Sponsor
Hole In One Sponsor
Pick Your Prize Sponsors
Door Prize Sponsors
Sixth Annual Alumni Golf Outing 2020 (Cancelled)
While we were not able to host our Golf Tournament this year due to COVID-19 restrictions, we thank those who were able to still support the College and our Scholarship program.
Eagle Sponsor
Birdie Sponsor
Hole Sponsors
Fifth Annual Golf Outing 2019
Blue Ridge Trail Golf Club
May 20, 2019
Championship Flight:
Dr. Tom Biscotti, Rick Burick, James Hudak, John Lasko
Women's Championship Flight:
Karen Natishan, Jane Sileski, Diane Jagodzinski, Darcy Brodmerkel
Second Flight (match)
Brian Gill, Joseph Fortune, Jim Bobeck, Lou Mangino
Third Flight (match)
Derek Jones, Kevin Cimorelli, John Goodbred, Manu Sivaraman
Longest Drive
Tom Biscotti on 9B, Diane Jagodzinski on 3R
Closest to the Pin - 4B
Steve Jordan
Eagle Sponsor
Birdie Sponsor
Hole Sponsors
Program Sponsor
Snack Sponsors
Prize Sponsors
Fourth Annual LCCC Alumni Golf Outing
Blue Ridge Trail Golf Club
Championship Flight
Tom Biscotti, Mark Jarolen, John Laski, Nicholas Veraric - 54
Women's Championship Flight
Karen Natishan, D. Jagodzinski, J. Sileski, Ellen Bush - 67
Second Flight
Tom Carlin, G. Storz, C. Duhoski, Cox - 66
Third Flight
Greg Johnson, Ryan Decker, Brian Rinker, Tiffany Grenkevich - 72
Longest Drive
Brian Gill - 6T
Karen Natishan - 3R
Closest to the Pin
Brian Rinker - 9R
Third Annual LCCC Alumni Golf Outing
Blue Ridge Trail Golf Club
Championship Flight
Kevin Proctor, Stacey Wyandt, Gerry O'Donnell, Fred Johnson - 59
Women's Championship Flight
Karen Natishan, Dianne Jagodzinski, Jane Sileski, Darcy Brodmerkel - 67
Second Flight
Tracy Donahue, Don Rossi, Len Shimko, Tony Dombroski, 63
Third Flight
Tom Carlin, Gerry Storz, Conrad Duhoski, Tom Pieczynski - 63
Longest Drive
Don Rossi - 9B
Diane Jagodzinski - 3R
Closest to the Pin
Ron Reino - 4B
Second Annual LCCC Alumni Golf Outing
Blue Ridge Trail Golf Club
Championship Flight
Kevin Proctor, Stacey Wyandt, Gerry O'Donnell, Mike Murray - 62
Women's Championship Flight
Karen Natishan, Dianne. Jagodzinski, Jane Sileski, Darcy Brodmerkel - 62
Second Flight
Brian Gill, Jack Serafin, Barry Williams, Paul Halesey - 63
Third Flight
Mike Latrella, Sean Miller, Dominic Feola, Zack Kyttle - 67
Longest Drive
Conrad Duhoski - 9B
Joanne Van S - 3R
Closest to the Pin
Maureen Dillon - 4B
$10,000 Hole in One Winner
Don Rossi
Inaugural Alumni Golf Outing
Blue Ridge Trail Golf Club
Championship Flight
Steve Daniloff, AJ Donatello, guests
Women's Championship Flight
Natishan Group at Morgan Stanley
First Flight
Tom Carlin, Mike Latrella, Kevin McNulty, Doug Novitski
Second Flight
Brian Gill, Jack Serafin, Barry Williams, Paul Halesey
Mixed Flight
Tracy Donahue, Len Shimko, Richard Donahue, Steve Baridamour
Longest Drive
Mike Aritz
Closest to the Pin
Zach Kyttle